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Pygmy Marmoset Skull

Pygmy Marmoset Skull

Regular price 550,00 €
Regular price Sale price 550,00 €
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The pygmy marmoset (Cebuella pygmaea) is the smallest monkey and the second smallest primate in the world.

Its skull, about 3 to 4 cm long, is rounded and compact. The orbits, large and oriented forward, favor binocular vision. The muzzle is short, with incisors adapted to gnawing bark, small canines, and molars designed to chew soft foods.

The mandible is robust, and the well-developed auditory bullae ensure excellent hearing. The top of the skull is slightly flattened, and the foramen magnum, oriented backward, reflects a quadrupedal posture. This skull shows ideal adaptations to its arboreal lifestyle and specialized diet.

Callithrix pygmaea
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