A scientific and educational institution

Deyrolle is a scientific and educational institution that has existed since 1831. Temple of the observation of Nature, a reference in the field of taxidermy and entomology, it is also a unique cabinet of curiosities whose exceptional collections inspire artists, collectors and visitors from all over the world.

From surrealists André Breton and Salvador Dali to contemporary artists Damien Hirst or Woody Allen, Deyrolle continues to inspire and reveal, through exhibitions and collaborations, the strong links between Nature, Art and Education.

But Deyrolle also continues its educational vocation initiated historically with educational materials (scientific instruments, school furniture, etc.) and especially its educational boards.

These plates – on zoology, botany, anatomy, object lessons, etc. – were featured on the walls of schools and universities in many countries since the 19th century.

Today, Deyrolle places the value of transmission at the heart of its activities and is committed to contemporary environmental and societal issues.

A source of fantasy for some, a learning partner for others, the vocation of this legendary Parisian house is to observe nature and its beauty to enable us to better understand and preserve it. Established since 1888 at its current address at 46, rue du Bac (Paris 7th), in the former private mansion of Samuel Bernard (son of Louis XIV's banker), the Deyrolle house reveals in its 300 m2 all the beauty of Nature .

Its colorful walls and moldings, in the middle of which its incredible collections of taxidermy and entomology are displayed, make Deyrolle a place whose refinement is equal to originality.

Emile Deyrolle

“Education through the eyes is the one that tires the intelligence the least, but this education can only have good results if the ideas that are engraved in the child's mind are rigorously accurate.”


46 Rue du Bac
75007 Paris

01 42 22 30 07 Par email

Heures d'ouverture

  • Lundi
    10h - 19h
  • Mardi
    10h - 19h
  • Mercredi
    10h - 19h
  • Jeudi
    10h - 19h
  • Vendredi
    10h - 19h
  • Samedi
    10h - 19h
  • Dimanche
* Fermé les jours fériés